Communication in the Design and Architecture sectors
Communicating about interior spaces, about interior design projects, is to talk about design. To communicate about design and share design is to communicate and share creativity, enterprising ideas loaded with potential, that have been developed to make our lives easier and turn them into something noteworthy and admirable, and at the same time to improve the relationship and the constant dialogue we have with our surrounding spaces, how we interact and develop with them as we, ultimately, depend on them.
© Mariela Apollonio – Casa Sardinera / Ramón Esteve
This, beyond all doubt, is of vital importance to us all, whether at a collective, social and cultural level or at an individual and personal level. Hence, we ought to remember that communicators as well as designers and interior designers should be working hand in hand, in a coordinated joint action to ensure that space culture is, as much as possible, spread out and made widely available, at least to the same level of many other disciplines.
At this point in time, we should be working to make ourselves heard, for this discipline to take to the floor and not be pushed into the background, because the development and the design of a space and its communication have a direct influence on the way we perceive and understand the different lifestyles, the home, the family, the community, …
In this way, our environment marks and conditions our way of life, and it also affects our mood. Therefore, respecting it, caring for it and admiring it is a way of investing on each and everyone that live and share the same environment. And to be able to permanently and precisely convey and relay the strategy behind an interior design is to facilitate the understanding of its intrinsic meaning. Something that, let us not deceive ourselves, is only achieved through a studied and carefully planned communication that will consolidate the work and effort of the interior designer.
Our environment marks and conditions our way of life, and it also affects our mood.
It is, therefore, vital and essential to continue fostering the work and the needed collaboration between these two professionals that should walk hand in hand aiming to develop and carve out a share of the market within this sector. A sector that, while it defines and conditions us, says and reveals so much about us.